In the very beginning, I started to raise fish for Duouo, my beloved dog. I thought Duouo was quite lonely when I was out and watching the lively fish swimming was a good way to pass the time. The day when I bought the fish home, Duouo started to drank the water in the fishbowl. She thought the glassy bowl was for her, crazy. I laughed at myself to have done such a silly thing.
I must admit, I was not a good feeder. Many fish died soon but only Yuyu left. I actually had tried many times to buy some fish of the same type as Yuyu’s friends. Those fish died one by one after a serious fight with Yuyu. Till now, I did not understand why those fish cannot be accepted by Yuyu.Did Yuyu hate to share its paradise with those new comers? I say no after a test. I put Yuyu in a new bowl and let the new fish in the bowl Yuyu used to stay in. After a few hours, I put Yuyu back in the bowl. Two days after, the new fish died. Yuyu was hurt but still alive. I was touched. A fish was struggling for a life. It was just till that time, I treated Yuyu seriously with more care.
With sadness, I wrote down this post. Just to remember this tiny but unyielding life.
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