Sunday, March 1, 2009

You are just one inch far from success

I believe most of you have heard the story of Columbus, who found the new continent. However, I find most people do not remember it.
Here, I would like to repeat it, before I go on with my post.
In the party to celebrate Columbus finding the new continent, some people thought that everyone had the chance to find the continent if they were passing by. Then Columbus came to them and passed them an egg and asked, "Who can stand this egg up so that it won’t roll over, without using anything to support it?" Most of the people tried it without success. Then Columbus just broke the egg and it stood on the table. The problem is that everyone knows if they break the egg the egg can stand. However, no one did that.
I do not remember when I read this story. However, it is very alive in my memory. Why? Since the day I read that story, I did not know what Columbus wanted to tell the people. So, I have always thought about this when I remembered that story. I wanted to know and now I finally understand it. I expect different people have different thoughts after reading this story. For me, I think the most educating point is when you have a good idea, just take action.It is always easy to think of a new idea. However, why do just a very small percentage of people succeed? The key is that just a few people take action to make the idea a reality. Most people just think it over when 30 years have passed away.
Examples of this happen every day. Why not take action now?!

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